Welcome to my website! My name is Maxime and I'm a data scientist based in France. I'm passionate
about using data to uncover insights and solve complex problems. On this website, I share my projects
and tips on data sciences, data engenieering and any topic that I like.
I have a Master's degree in Data Sciences from AgroCampusOuest in Rennes and a Engenier's degree
from the Bordeaux Sciences Agro. During my studies, I completed internships at several companies,
where I gained experience in biology, environnement as well as data analysis, machine learning, and programming.
In my free time, I enjoy hiking in the mountains, browsing the internet, and learning new programming
languages. I'm very passionate about solving problems and I love using maths and programming to find solutions.
Mission and Goals:
My mission is to help people understand the power of data sciences and how it can be used to make better
decisions or to solve and automate tasks. I hope to continue to share my knowledge and expertise on this website and make a positive
impact in the data science community.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or would like to connect with me,
feel free to send me a message with the form bellow or to reach me through socials.